Friday, October 5, 2012

2 for 1

A "Two Birds, One Stone" situation (horrible, don't go around killing birdies! Or I'll find you).

 I hope to shine some light towards this season of elections, and encourage you to make the wise choice of sticking to your gut and what you believe. 

    While we prepare to vote, the media seems to make it harder and harder time after time. Sometimes putting physical appearance, relational connections, stature and personal matters of each candidate as a priority, that honestly affect and blur our opinion whether we like it or not. I recommend that individually we look at their agendas, place our priorities as individual and as a country, and choose those who stand for what you believe. I don't believe in standing on a party alone, but rather looking at what the people around them (working for them) are doing. A lot of time it is not necessarily the candidate's words, but what his public relations committee would like him to say or appear to be. They want to please the people and say what you or majority of this country want to hear. Thus, if you know you disagree with the position each candidate takes on matters that are very important to you, make your case (explore, get informed, ask around you), but don't refuse to vote. I suggest you keep in mind the next generation coming behind you, and how they will be facing our decision today. Remember that we form our government, it is up to us to choose. (And not for them to tell us what to do.) 

So with that being said, what are some topics you should keep in mind? (And take a stance on!)

This is BOUND4LIFE (, an organization that stands up for life (or against abortion). Life is a gift, not a curse. The future victims of this crime (killing innocent babies) could get a chance by the way you vote. Abortion has been a "touchy" subject since the day it became allowed. In my opinion, it is that way because of all the emotional chaos attached to the word. It is also rooted in selfishness and increasing in revenue every passing moment. I think that life is life, given by God and not allowed to be taken away by us. (In NO circumstance). Thus, abolishing abortion is not taking away a right or our choice. 
I encourage you to take up the responsibility to do what's right for the world. Do not be intimidated by the big words, the super-knowledgeable people or the constant oppressors that may stand against what you believe. For a long time, I really thought I was uninformed on subjects like this one to speak up. (And I still don't know a lot on it). I do know that I can't just know a little bit and still do nothing. And many, many organizations are not passive when it comes to letting everyone else know. 
Here are some links to movements/organizations standing up for millions of unborn babies:

Do take consideration for the people that have been part of this or know women that have had an abortion, and choose to love them. A lot of times, in hopelessness and in desperate times, we long for someone to shine some light and bit of hope, and you could be it. There is help and options, but abortion is not one of them. 

I believe this is a battle for my generation and generations to come. Get informed! 

One more thing, I also recommend you watch the movies "180" (  and "October Baby" (  
(Do it!! :) Please!)

“Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:9)

The foundation of my values is Truth, and it is the base of my stance in this matter. 

Pray and stick to your gut as you vote, 

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