Monday, October 8, 2012

To You, This Post.

This post is dedicated to the people I could not live without. (Even if miles have or will separate us.)

To my Parents.

To my Grandparents.

To my little sister.
To my little-big brother.

To my pastors, youth pastor, worship leaders, mentors and leaders.

To the family gained through Christ.

To my close friends.
To a closer friend.

To teachers.
To community leaders.

Over time, I realized how vulnerable I am to being influenced. And as I make this special mention, names cross my mind with a lovely sense of gratitude. I've experienced the love of God so closely through these wonderful people. And I want to thank them for their lives and the impact they made in mine.

Carrying any kind of relationship is hard work, but love truly does make them grow. I admit I'm not the best at interacting with others and have great relational issues that a lot of these people have helped me see and deal with. I also will admit that some of the relationships brought disappointments and with them discouragement, but that does not change the fact that I love them. That it happens, and one must choose to help be part of the solution, make it worse by staying (or sometimes leaving is wrong), or stepping away.

I once was told that "Pain is inevitable", which I find it to be one the of truest of truths. But I also know that Healing, Comfort is ready to reach down every time. Relationships aren't perfect, but perfected. They aren't grown, but growing. Either way relationships, people, are the part of life you cannot control (that's if you're loving them). And whether you do all the right things or all the wrong things they may fail you. Choose to love them anyway. 

And well, I'm actually the worse at saying good-bye (I really am, I'm a mess). But I had to say a lot of them over time, and most likely continue to in life. It may be wishful thinking, but I hope to one day see them, talk to them, or connect somehow one day. And as for those who are still around, I couldn't be more glad to know you and be part of y'all's life. Truly grateful for you all! :) 

And with this I say Good-Bye. 

Estefania, Officially 21.

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