Friday, September 28, 2012

Ya Basta!

To continue the list of great organizations, campaigns, causes and charities, I must tell you about this one. It is not in "English", but it is for everyone. Before I introduce you to this organization let me just say: Props to a fully prayer-based, SPANISH-speaking, eye-opening organization. 

Photo obtained from
      This organization is opening the eyes and making aware an entire Spanish-speaking culture of the world we live in now. YA BASTA!  is composed of world-changers, prayer warriors, mainly college students in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. They are taking the gospel view into our world today. They are opening the eyes of the church to subjects like Human Trafficking, Prostitution, Sexual Abuse, Pornography, Abortion, Homosexuality (that it is rarely discussed in Hispanic communities, but a real struggle and battle in our society today). This organization is not passive towards the battle against these, starting off with prayer. 

    Ignorance may be have been bliss for the past generations, but I have encountered the effects of it in mine. Many times I have heard that a culture cannot be changed, unless the culture decides to change itself. Meaning, it is the individual transformation that leads to an impacting change to an entire culture. So I believe that, although it is a greatly corrupted society we live in, there's individuals standing up for what it is morally right. Standing up for morals, godly morals, period. This organization has been a loud-speaker for these and impacting an entire culture. YA BASTA! has partnered with associations like Pozo de Vida, Traffick 911, and have been active in Pro-Life activities. They also have an innovative program that has freed people from the great battle of pornography (Pasos A La Libertad/ Steps to Freedom).
This organization is fully aware that these aren't just statistics or made up numbers. These are people found in hopelessness, blinded by or slaved to the philosophy of a selfish world, in need of freedom. And some of these people could be your sister, your brother, your father, your cousin, or you. 

If you are Hispanic, speak Spanish, or know someone that does, I'm asking that you share about this organization. They need your help! Although a lot of their informational workshops have been held in Mexico, you can help them spread knowledge through the entire Hispanic community here in the United States and many more countries. Visit their website. Stay up to date on Facebook. Or follow them on Twitter. Watch them and about them on YouTube.

I'm all for organizations that are passionate about much needed change, taking initiative, and standing on prayer. And even more so because it is reaching out to my very own. 

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: because you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children." Hosea 4:6. Another version says, "My people have been silent, because they had no knowledge..." Once you know it is up to you to take action. 


Please Check out my campaign, 

Ps. They're actually having a Car Wash on September 29 to raise donations for Traffick911

Rough Week: It's the little things.

"In my attempt to sound sophisticated as I complain, I won't even try." (This is actually the first thing that 'pop'ed into my head as I tried to explain my rough week). Instead of talking about my very random, not-so-great week, I'm gonna tell you about some of the stuff I'm truly grateful for! 

One, my family (this is not a list, by the way. I don't know why I started with 'one'). During this week they have brought nothing but laughs into my life... (Really, really grateful for laughs. Especially when you think you really won't be able to laugh again or just can't laugh).

Definitely coffee. It is tasty. It wakes me up. It is just a delicious magic potion. Yes, I'm grateful for coffee. 

Good reads. Stuff that make you wonder and definitely take you places by just reading... (Mind-blowing stuff man!) Grateful for that!  

The World Wide Web. The infinite amount of information at your fingertips. CRAY-CRAY! (I don't ever use that phrase for crazy, but it seemed appropriate. I also don't think you'll ever hear me say it... but never say never, right?!) Anyhoooo, grateful for that! (And Facebook?!) 

Friends. Those that are happy to feed you (not literally feed you, but get food for you) once in awhile. Thanks! 

I want to give a special mention to sports. NFL, you're killing me (your amazing ref's have been the jokes of the week).  >.< Maybe that is not a nice thing to say... (even if everyone knows it). Grateful for sports! (Watching my brother play football is just a plus!)

Music. Music. Music. Best form of expression ever. I personally can't play or sing to save my own life, but trying to figure it out as I "touch" the piano is FUN. Definitely grateful for pianos. (I was probably lost in a piano room with no track of time three times this week, and I loved it!) Grateful for cheerful songs, inspiring lyrics, and their composers. 

(Oh man, and the Composer of composers. Seriously, the One who knows what my souls needs. That's where all my praise goes to!) 
I love birds. Grateful for them too!

**If you know me, you would know that I am truly grateful for these things and there is no sarcasm found  in it... (I figured some would think I was being sarcastic, considering the NFL comment). 

I'll leave you with this today (something I need to take in myself): 

Love life; what comes with it and what surrounds it. Smile; to yourself now (look how far you've come), to the past (the person you use to be; with no bitterness) and to the future (your dreams). Fly; soar through your imagination with anticipation of encountering greatness. Let it go; trust God. (Anything that keeps you down, preventing you to look further, to fly higher, let it go. God can handle it.) Hope. Hope for the best always. 

If you know who you are and what you want, things and circumstances can't change that. Only what you choose to change about you will. 

Love LOVE, 

Estefania <3

Please visit my campaign:  Thanks!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Charity: Water

I know I took a little break from posting about amazing organizations, causes, charities and such. So today, I'm going to tell you about the coolest thing. An opportunity to give like no other. And for this I'm giving up my birthday!!! (Super Stoked!!) 

        First, let me introduce you to Charity: Water. This organization radically does the impossible to take clean (drinkable) water to millions. There are about 8 million people that cannot access clean water on the earth today. Therefore, it is a major factor in the many deaths of infants and horrible diseases in adults all over Africa. 
       By providing clean water, many of these children will have the opportunity to attend school (instead of being sick or traveling to get water) and women can be involved in the community and usual home responsibilities (instead of walking long miles and putting themselves in danger of horrible assaults). 

        So, I'm giving up my birthday. No birthday celebration (actually, it is bigger than that!). I am asking YOU for an amazing favor. Instead of getting me a gift (if you were planning to or not;), I am asking that YOU would please donate $21 (since I am turning 21), or any amount you can, to this lovely organization!!! 
Here's where you can go and do so: 

I really can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday, so join me! 

B.T.W (by the way!!!): There's only ten day 'till my birfffday! 

Thank you!! 

Estefania <3 

PS. If you donate to this campaign and any other charity or organization I have mentioned, please email me that you've done so! THANKS!! 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Going in Circles


   Usually, I follow a rigid routine. I wake up, take siblings to school or work. Come home and get ready for work. Work. Pick up siblings. Gym or church. Dinner and back to sleep. Usually. 
This past week I had the privilege to attend a one of a kind conference. Circles Conference 2012. The conference took place at the Palace Theater, Grapevine, Tx (too lovely!!). And it was all put together by the amazing Creative Director, Ismael Burciaga
I was definitely blown away by the greatness of these minds I got to be surrounded by. (I was a little bit starstruck) Truth is, it was not just helpful, but beyond inspiring. Each and every one of the speakers had something just so key to the life of a creative. And each night was a battle with sleep as I digested such an amazing day. 

This is (from right to left) Kyle Steed (plus dot com), Cory Staudacher (, and Sean ( and then me! 
And this is Ryan Rushing. ( !!! 

The amazing Ish! 

I had such a blast, especially meeting new people!


Saturday, September 22, 2012


Keeping it short and simple (impossible):

This cause speaks volumes. It speaks FREEDOM. It represents millions of  hearts mending due to corruption, brokenness, injustice and evil of this world.

A21 (Abolishing injustice in the 21st Century) does more than stand in the gap for those being forced into human trafficking, they are getting their hands dirty. The rising number in human trafficking represents, it takes life, in the numerous victims. Some of these precious women are suffering every hour, "servicing" an ongoing clientele. In reality: raped, forced to have sex for money, addicted to drugs, deceived, mistreated, used, broken. Under a great INJUSTICE.

This campaign opened my eyes to a million captivating stories. Stories that belonged to girls like me. My age. With families. I grasped that their story was their reality. A hard, cruel, evil reality. Their reality was hopelessness, but through A21 their lives were transformed. A21 works with preventing human trafficking (due to so many factors in society, such as poverty, but still inexcusable). They also take in and help the victims overcome their fears, their past, their hopelessness, their brokenness, their slavery, and bringing them FREEDOM. They bring HOPE.

 If you are a women, understand that your value is great. Many try to undermined it. Many try to ignore it. Many try to make it disappear. But rather, it is mean to be admired and appreciated. Yet, we will never capture the reality of this suffering if not encountered and faced. Help fight. 
Please, take some of your time to read about the reality of our society today. Please, take sometime to get informed about such injustice. Take some time and tell your friends about it. Take sometime and check their apparel out. Here's 21 ways you can HELP!

On October 18, 2012, (International Anti-Slavery Day), YOU can join them (and I!) in raising awareness of the facts by simply wearing a key. Get to their website and join me!!

Facing reality being aware of others' reality,


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Quick Interruption: Sofie

I know I've posted two causes so far, with more to come. But for today I am going to interrupt to leave a small note to my sister, Sofie (Chofis).

I am able to type on my very own computer now since this sweet, sweet young lady purchased my charger (I spoke about it a couple posts ago). But she was able to do this because a great friend of ours blessed her with a gift card to the Apple store! (Yay!!!!)

Thank you both for such amazing hearts to give!! I am truly blessed to have people like you two in my life.

I'm sure they would encourage you also to give, and maybe to give to any of the causes that speak to you! ;)

Briefly interrupting,


(I love this post.)

All Girls Allowed

You can also find them on Facebook.
        It wasn't long ago when I first heard of All Girls Allowed. I cannot stress enough that organizations like this one represent and stand in the gap for millions of faces that no one has ever heard about. My heart breaks at the thought that so many women suffer by being forced to make a choice between keeping their baby and suffer great consequences, or aborting, killing them, or abandoning them. No one should be standing in such place of hopelessness.

All Girls Allowed has been working to gain support of nations to end gendercide in China. This government specifically has been forcing women to abort their children due to the "One-Child Policy". This only allows a Chinese family to have ONE baby or in special occasions two IF the first born is a GIRL. And because of the higher demand for strong, manly man, many families choose to give up their daughters, abandon them, and even kill them for their chance to have a boy.

(The cause of this has been an incrementing rise of human trafficking, abortions, and orphans.)

Through this movement, many women who chose to give life are now being helped and taken in through their "Baby Shower" program that helps them facilitate a mother so that she may keep her baby.

Recently, I was able to read about some GREAT NEWS! (if you could only see my excitement!! I seriously leaped for joy! Click on "great news" to read why). Because of the policy, many parents that were to have a second child must abort it (no matter the stage of the pregnancy). But through the fighting, many fervent prayers of Chinese Christians and because of all that China is involved in (foreign policies and United Nations regulations), they have now left it up to the parents to choose if they want to abort the child.

Expose, Rescue, Celebrate from All Girls Allowed on Vimeo.

I urge you to check their website, to donate, and/or to spread the word. Not many know that if not stopped, this epidemic idea can spread and make millions upon millions of babies, baby girls, mothers, women its victims. Please, follow their link and share it with others. If possible sponsor a mother for only $20 dollars a month. Please keep them in your prayers as well. 

All women are valuable, carriers of life, they are a God-given treasure to a filthy world. 

From a woman, 


(Videos are from their Vimeo account. I have included their links on the underlined words, where you can get more information, sponsor, and purchase products.)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Invisible Children

Look up them up!
Invisible Children. I remember sitting in my Geometry class when the teacher announced that we had a special day planned for us. (Field trip in high school?! What?! Not really.) The day included meeting in the conference room were we would watch a movie. (I attended a school were each class was an hour and a half long, so that was made possible often!) Of course, a lot of my classmates and I were not expecting what was about to display before our eyes.

They introduced the film with brief words because they knew the film spoke for itself. And it did.

This is the story of a group of guys who were searching for an adventure. When they got there, they were faced with the story of a young boy that represented just about a million more like himself. Children that hid every night. That slept in fear. Children that were not allowed to be children. No place to truly rest. Always on the run. They ran from the Lord’s Resistance Army or LRA. The LRA is an army formed in opposition of the government, led by Joseph Kony. The war against this group of people has been the longest war in the continent of Africa. Alone it has caused the death of millions of people, captured and forced children to kill, and have sold many girls into sex slavery.

Living out the reality of the children there, they could not keep quiet. They also had proof, and that made it possible for the rest of us to see the reality of the children in Uganda.

At the end of the film, my heart was broken and my face covered with tears. (The video posted is not the film, just an informative announcement from their website. But Y'all should go watch it!!)

After that moment, I joined student council. This group of students in my school made it possible to raise awareness for the years to follow. We were able to donate a lot of books for the schools they had built. And we were also able to see the schools we had sponsored for the children recuperating.

Now, this war isn't over. Joseph Kony is still committing crimes left and right and continues to feed off the fear of the children. They've made pretence of peace, but plan for genocide.
What you can do is make yourself aware of this. Recently, they made a big multimedia movement. And  I could see that until the day they saw it in their social network page, not a lot of people knew that this was going on.  I ask that you take time and get informed. And if it is in you to help, help financially. But spread the word. Watch the films. Buy the shirts. Post it on Facebook. Tweet about it. PRAY about it.

This is not only a cause or a movement of peace, but it is an organization (that is a group people like you and I) laying down their life for another group of people.

Get informed, don't just take my word for it.


(The links will take you to their website, where you can find more information.)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fashion Forward

 Around two weeks ago, I came across a lovely clothe line that definitely styled with a cause! A greater reason to look great! This is Sevenly.
  If I had the money, I probably would be spending it all here! (I know, who wouldn't?!) I recommend EVERYONE to check them out and ally with them as they help those in need of it. 

Following this post I will be posting some of my favorite causes, charities, and movements I have been a part of and/or some that I have been really close to my heart. Causes that I've followed and prayed for awhile now and causes that need your help financially. And if you can't, please be another voice to get the word out there. Many people just aren't aware of what's happening outside their four walls. With all the multimedia out there, we cannot be kept silent. Although not considered much, spreading information is a vital part of change by making others aware.  

Fight for a good cause, 

Estefania <3  

Friday, September 14, 2012

Countdown Beats Me

Quick and fast update.

You don't know this, (of course not, unless you're part of my family reading this (and I guess you're about to find out...)), but on all seriousness (or not so much) I have no MacBook Pro until I get a charger. Apple refused to take it in saying it was considered "physical damaged" (so cool) and was not covered. Umph! So, now I need to get a charger... Which they sell for $79 plus taxes. Boo.
This is actually not the first time it breaks! The charger really is super sensitive to anything. (In fact, it is the third time it stops working.)

Well, with that being said... I have tons to post and not enough time to get them typed. I am racing against the countdown. And well the countdown is beating me (haha, it'd be funny for that phrase to be literal).** I have 23 day until my birthday and I have only posted 3 entries. Wow. I need to post a little more often. You might see two posts in one day.

Also, I want to announce to all that I did have a couple of sick days in between, and as much as I tried, I couldn't get myself out of the bed. But I am healthy now! Thanks to prayers and an amazing nurse, my momma!

If you have any requests on what you would like to see as a post, let me know! I've sorted out topics, but could use some input from those who want to give it...

Awesomeness, racing against time, here I go,

Estefi :)

**I amuse myself easily...

(Second picture is a file from

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

To You, Encouragement.

"C. S. Lewis, in his work, The Weight of Glory, argued that the most fundamental thing is not how we think of God but rather what God thinks of us. "How God thinks of us is not only more important, but infinitely more important.""

         Today I want to talk about something I deal with constantly through my walk with God, and something I’ve seen and heard so many other girls and ladies of all ages go through. Self-esteem. It is rooted in our identity, but as humans (I really hope no dog is reading this*) we seem need a constant reminder to keep our confidence, in order to be who God has called us to be.
For example, I sometimes battle with the past, and the fear and shame that may come with it. But I am reminded time after time (through lovely people, and the Grrrrr-eat! Word of God) that we all have a past, we all encounter fear, guilt and shame. Yet, I have been made new. And God has a lot more to say to the, (what I like to call it,) “Constantly-Made-New-New” me, and has forgiven and forgotten the old me. It is easy to fall back into focusing on our fears, guilt, and shame, which only grow our insecurities and worries. But I promise you’re not alone in this matter, and there’s a great plan God has for you, where you get to be you. So, here’s a reminder for you and I (yes, I do still need one).

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

 --But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal... Philippians 3:13, 14

I am loved, by Love.

 --“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." Jeremiah 31:3
 -- “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16

I am His.

-- “I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters,Says the Lord Almighty.”2 Corinthians 6:18
 --"They shall be My people, and I will be their God;" Jeremiah 32:38

 He will never leave me. 

-- "...For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” Hebrews 13:5
-- "This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
 --"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand." – John 10:28

He has a plan for me. 

 --For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
--"The LORD will work out his plans for my life— for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever..." Psalm 138:8

He sees me.

--She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me."  Genesis 16:13

In my weakness, He is strong. 

2 Corinthians 12:9-10
à At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me,
My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness.

 I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

--For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
 --I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:14-15)

 He saved me, cleansed me, and anointed me.

--The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me,
    for the Lord has anointed me

 I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God!
    For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation
    and draped me in a robe of righteousness.
I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit
    or a bride with her jewels.  Isaiah 61:1 &10 

 "He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word" Ephesians 5:26


“You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought." Matthew 5:5  

 These are some of the greatest wake up calls when the thought that I am not competent to achieve or do "good". Remember that some of these words were spoken to prophets and giants in faith, even they needed to be reminded from time to time that they could make it and Who their true confidence was on. I hope it encouraged you to keep going and to open up the greatest love letter from our Maker, His Word.

From one of God's daughter to another,


*You never know, a dog or bunny might be offended I don't mention them...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Post Numero Dos

I told y'all I would keep up! (Yes, I use y'all on a daily basis. Yes, I live in Texas.  Yes, I believe in myself.)

Recently, I started to work out again. It is a pain. First, you should  know my background on this "working out" thing. Although I look so  not athletic, in my opinion, I grew up in sports until high school. Actually, my dad is to blame for that. He use to be a professional baseball player in Mexico. (I like sharing that part...) At the age of, well since I could remember, I was placed in gymnastics. That was until I turned ten Then, at that age, I was placed in cheer leading for a few years. (Yes, I do believe cheer leading is a sport. We seriously practiced more than the players.) After that, I joined Athletics in middle school. From volleyball, to basketball, to track, and then soccer. The summer of that year, I began to enjoy  bike riding and pilates. So, I was never just sitting down on the couch watching TV. I even started doing yoga and cardio videos my freshman year. But it all stopped. My sophomore year became one of the busiest. (More like I lost track of time hanging out with friends. But..) I lost my routine, and began to focus on school, volunteering there and at church. Thus, it all faded away.... I began to take walks or runs (mostly walks) around the neighborhood once in a while, but not really. So now, here we are:

I'm sore. I am not a fan of running. And did I mention I'm sore. My legs can definitely feel it. So far, I've been trying to catch up with my cardio. A whole hour of it non-stop.  (You know: fast, slow, inclined, steppers.) That's not including all the stretching and warm up before and after. Ugh. And although it has been tough, I think it's a great change of routine in my schedule and great change for my health. Actually, I even believe spiritually it can be a breakthrough. While I was working out, every time I felt like stopping, (even those two times my phone fell, but coincidentally there was always someone there to pick up my phone), I was reminded of something someone once shared with me, and it kind of stucked with me ever since.
 "If I can't dominate in the physical, how can I dominate in the spiritual?"
Consider it. I did, and boy, it changed my perspective in a lot of things. (Not just in working out, by the way.)


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Testing, Testing. Check One, Two. 21

Name: Luisa Estefania. (or Stephanie)
Age: 20 soon to be 21!!

Jesus Christ. family. dogs. bunnies. flowers. books. twitter.

For a while now I have been debating whether I should start a blog again... I like to write, but there was a day I decided to just do it for me and no one else. I also need to admit I became "busy"(or lazy, one of those) and could not keep up a blog. This time around I would like to start a blog of 21 posts until I turn 21. Hey, if I can start with 21 posts maybe I can manage an "official"(not sure I know the definition of an official blog). I'm just going to write what's on my mind,  and maybe a few tips that I've learned. You will also, most likely, but surely, read about the relationship I carry with Jesus Christ. Who I believe came to set you and I FREE.

I am counting this post. (Hey, I got to start somewhere!)

Oh, snaps!