Friday, September 28, 2012

Ya Basta!

To continue the list of great organizations, campaigns, causes and charities, I must tell you about this one. It is not in "English", but it is for everyone. Before I introduce you to this organization let me just say: Props to a fully prayer-based, SPANISH-speaking, eye-opening organization. 

Photo obtained from
      This organization is opening the eyes and making aware an entire Spanish-speaking culture of the world we live in now. YA BASTA!  is composed of world-changers, prayer warriors, mainly college students in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. They are taking the gospel view into our world today. They are opening the eyes of the church to subjects like Human Trafficking, Prostitution, Sexual Abuse, Pornography, Abortion, Homosexuality (that it is rarely discussed in Hispanic communities, but a real struggle and battle in our society today). This organization is not passive towards the battle against these, starting off with prayer. 

    Ignorance may be have been bliss for the past generations, but I have encountered the effects of it in mine. Many times I have heard that a culture cannot be changed, unless the culture decides to change itself. Meaning, it is the individual transformation that leads to an impacting change to an entire culture. So I believe that, although it is a greatly corrupted society we live in, there's individuals standing up for what it is morally right. Standing up for morals, godly morals, period. This organization has been a loud-speaker for these and impacting an entire culture. YA BASTA! has partnered with associations like Pozo de Vida, Traffick 911, and have been active in Pro-Life activities. They also have an innovative program that has freed people from the great battle of pornography (Pasos A La Libertad/ Steps to Freedom).
This organization is fully aware that these aren't just statistics or made up numbers. These are people found in hopelessness, blinded by or slaved to the philosophy of a selfish world, in need of freedom. And some of these people could be your sister, your brother, your father, your cousin, or you. 

If you are Hispanic, speak Spanish, or know someone that does, I'm asking that you share about this organization. They need your help! Although a lot of their informational workshops have been held in Mexico, you can help them spread knowledge through the entire Hispanic community here in the United States and many more countries. Visit their website. Stay up to date on Facebook. Or follow them on Twitter. Watch them and about them on YouTube.

I'm all for organizations that are passionate about much needed change, taking initiative, and standing on prayer. And even more so because it is reaching out to my very own. 

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: because you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children." Hosea 4:6. Another version says, "My people have been silent, because they had no knowledge..." Once you know it is up to you to take action. 


Please Check out my campaign, 

Ps. They're actually having a Car Wash on September 29 to raise donations for Traffick911

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