Wednesday, September 19, 2012

All Girls Allowed

You can also find them on Facebook.
        It wasn't long ago when I first heard of All Girls Allowed. I cannot stress enough that organizations like this one represent and stand in the gap for millions of faces that no one has ever heard about. My heart breaks at the thought that so many women suffer by being forced to make a choice between keeping their baby and suffer great consequences, or aborting, killing them, or abandoning them. No one should be standing in such place of hopelessness.

All Girls Allowed has been working to gain support of nations to end gendercide in China. This government specifically has been forcing women to abort their children due to the "One-Child Policy". This only allows a Chinese family to have ONE baby or in special occasions two IF the first born is a GIRL. And because of the higher demand for strong, manly man, many families choose to give up their daughters, abandon them, and even kill them for their chance to have a boy.

(The cause of this has been an incrementing rise of human trafficking, abortions, and orphans.)

Through this movement, many women who chose to give life are now being helped and taken in through their "Baby Shower" program that helps them facilitate a mother so that she may keep her baby.

Recently, I was able to read about some GREAT NEWS! (if you could only see my excitement!! I seriously leaped for joy! Click on "great news" to read why). Because of the policy, many parents that were to have a second child must abort it (no matter the stage of the pregnancy). But through the fighting, many fervent prayers of Chinese Christians and because of all that China is involved in (foreign policies and United Nations regulations), they have now left it up to the parents to choose if they want to abort the child.

Expose, Rescue, Celebrate from All Girls Allowed on Vimeo.

I urge you to check their website, to donate, and/or to spread the word. Not many know that if not stopped, this epidemic idea can spread and make millions upon millions of babies, baby girls, mothers, women its victims. Please, follow their link and share it with others. If possible sponsor a mother for only $20 dollars a month. Please keep them in your prayers as well. 

All women are valuable, carriers of life, they are a God-given treasure to a filthy world. 

From a woman, 


(Videos are from their Vimeo account. I have included their links on the underlined words, where you can get more information, sponsor, and purchase products.)

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