Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Invisible Children

Look up them up! www.invisiblechildren.com
Invisible Children. I remember sitting in my Geometry class when the teacher announced that we had a special day planned for us. (Field trip in high school?! What?! Not really.) The day included meeting in the conference room were we would watch a movie. (I attended a school were each class was an hour and a half long, so that was made possible often!) Of course, a lot of my classmates and I were not expecting what was about to display before our eyes.

They introduced the film with brief words because they knew the film spoke for itself. And it did.

This is the story of a group of guys who were searching for an adventure. When they got there, they were faced with the story of a young boy that represented just about a million more like himself. Children that hid every night. That slept in fear. Children that were not allowed to be children. No place to truly rest. Always on the run. They ran from the Lord’s Resistance Army or LRA. The LRA is an army formed in opposition of the government, led by Joseph Kony. The war against this group of people has been the longest war in the continent of Africa. Alone it has caused the death of millions of people, captured and forced children to kill, and have sold many girls into sex slavery.

Living out the reality of the children there, they could not keep quiet. They also had proof, and that made it possible for the rest of us to see the reality of the children in Uganda.

At the end of the film, my heart was broken and my face covered with tears. (The video posted is not the film, just an informative announcement from their website. But Y'all should go watch it!!)

After that moment, I joined student council. This group of students in my school made it possible to raise awareness for the years to follow. We were able to donate a lot of books for the schools they had built. And we were also able to see the schools we had sponsored for the children recuperating.

Now, this war isn't over. Joseph Kony is still committing crimes left and right and continues to feed off the fear of the children. They've made pretence of peace, but plan for genocide.
What you can do is make yourself aware of this. Recently, they made a big multimedia movement. And  I could see that until the day they saw it in their social network page, not a lot of people knew that this was going on.  I ask that you take time and get informed. And if it is in you to help, help financially. But spread the word. Watch the films. Buy the shirts. Post it on Facebook. Tweet about it. PRAY about it.

This is not only a cause or a movement of peace, but it is an organization (that is a group people like you and I) laying down their life for another group of people.

Get informed, don't just take my word for it.


(The links will take you to their website, where you can find more information.)

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