Friday, September 28, 2012

Rough Week: It's the little things.

"In my attempt to sound sophisticated as I complain, I won't even try." (This is actually the first thing that 'pop'ed into my head as I tried to explain my rough week). Instead of talking about my very random, not-so-great week, I'm gonna tell you about some of the stuff I'm truly grateful for! 

One, my family (this is not a list, by the way. I don't know why I started with 'one'). During this week they have brought nothing but laughs into my life... (Really, really grateful for laughs. Especially when you think you really won't be able to laugh again or just can't laugh).

Definitely coffee. It is tasty. It wakes me up. It is just a delicious magic potion. Yes, I'm grateful for coffee. 

Good reads. Stuff that make you wonder and definitely take you places by just reading... (Mind-blowing stuff man!) Grateful for that!  

The World Wide Web. The infinite amount of information at your fingertips. CRAY-CRAY! (I don't ever use that phrase for crazy, but it seemed appropriate. I also don't think you'll ever hear me say it... but never say never, right?!) Anyhoooo, grateful for that! (And Facebook?!) 

Friends. Those that are happy to feed you (not literally feed you, but get food for you) once in awhile. Thanks! 

I want to give a special mention to sports. NFL, you're killing me (your amazing ref's have been the jokes of the week).  >.< Maybe that is not a nice thing to say... (even if everyone knows it). Grateful for sports! (Watching my brother play football is just a plus!)

Music. Music. Music. Best form of expression ever. I personally can't play or sing to save my own life, but trying to figure it out as I "touch" the piano is FUN. Definitely grateful for pianos. (I was probably lost in a piano room with no track of time three times this week, and I loved it!) Grateful for cheerful songs, inspiring lyrics, and their composers. 

(Oh man, and the Composer of composers. Seriously, the One who knows what my souls needs. That's where all my praise goes to!) 
I love birds. Grateful for them too!

**If you know me, you would know that I am truly grateful for these things and there is no sarcasm found  in it... (I figured some would think I was being sarcastic, considering the NFL comment). 

I'll leave you with this today (something I need to take in myself): 

Love life; what comes with it and what surrounds it. Smile; to yourself now (look how far you've come), to the past (the person you use to be; with no bitterness) and to the future (your dreams). Fly; soar through your imagination with anticipation of encountering greatness. Let it go; trust God. (Anything that keeps you down, preventing you to look further, to fly higher, let it go. God can handle it.) Hope. Hope for the best always. 

If you know who you are and what you want, things and circumstances can't change that. Only what you choose to change about you will. 

Love LOVE, 

Estefania <3

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